
Power System Consulting: Moving the Power Grid into the Future

Michael Milligan, Ph.D.


Dr. Michael Milligan is an independent power system consultant and Principal at Milligan Grid Solutions, Inc. With more than 30 years’ experience in power systems and wind/solar power integration, he has  authored/coauthored more than 220 technical articles, book chapters, and reports.

For many years, Michael was a significant contributor to the International Energy Agency Task 25 Research Group: Large-scale Integration of Wind Energy. Michael’s work at NREL influenced the formation of the Energy Imbalance Market (link here)that is currently operating in the Western Interconnection of the U.S., and the Pilot Project on 5-Minute Scheduling in India (link here) that is currently underway. He has led/participated in numerous industry committees including

  • Integrating Variable Generation Task Force and Essential Reliability Services Task Force at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
  •  Lead for Power System Integration and Transmission Task Force for the U.S. Department of Energy's Wind Vision (link here)
  • Lead for Power System Integration and Transmission Task Force for the U.S. Department of Energy's Hydro Power Vision (link here)
  • Numerous committees at Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
  • Wind and Solar Power Coordinating Committee, IEEE Power and Energy Society

Michael retired from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in 2017, where he was Principal Researcher in the Power Systems Engineering Center. While at NREL he received several distinguished awards, including:


·      Lifetime Achievement Award (2018), Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG, formerly UVIG).

·      Technical Achievement Award (2012), from the Energy Systems Integration Group

·      H.M Hubbard Award (2010) for outstanding research contributions and leadership in science and technology, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

·      NREL Team Research Award 2010, Transmission and Grid Integration Group

·      Individual research awards from NREL: 2008, 2009