Milligan, Consultant
Articles, Reports, Book Chapters, FERC Filings
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publication database also includes some presentations: Publications
NREL) 228. Goggin, M.; Milligan, M. (2019). Quantifying the Consumer Benefits of the Market Reforms in the Report: Customer Focused and Clean. Wind Solar Alliance. Available at https://windsolaralliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/WSA-Consumer-Benefits-Quantification-FINAL-9.27.19.pdf. 227. Milligan, M. (2018). Sources of grid reliability services. The Electricity Journal, 31(9), pp. 1-7. 226.
Comments of Michael Milligan, Ph.D.: Grid Resilience in
Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent
System Operators. Docket AD18-7-000. Available at http://www.milligangridsolutions.com/milligan%20ferc%20comments%20AD%2018-7-000%20from%20FERC%20web.pdf.
2018. 225.
Comments of Michael Milligan, Ph.D. Grid Reliability and
Resiliency Pricing, Docket No. RM18-1-000. Available at
2017 224.
Milligan, M.; Frew, B.; Clark, K;
Bloom, A. (2017). Marginal Cost
Pricing in a World without Perfect Competition:
Implications for Electricity Markets with High Shares
of Low Marginal Cost Resources. NREL Technical Report
NREL/TP-6A20-69076 .
December. Available at https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy18osti/69076.pdf. 223. Söder, L.; Kiviluoma,
J.; Orths, A.; Silva, V.;
O’Neill, B.; Pellinger, C.;
Flunn, D.; Holttinen, J.; Lopez-Botet, M.; Milligan, M. Comparison
of integration studies of 30-40 percent energy share
from variable renewable sources. Proceedings of
the 16th International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems
as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind
Power Plants. Berlin, Germany. Oct 25-27, 2017. 222. Palchek, David; Cochran, Jaquelin; Ehlen, Ali; McBennet, Brandon, Milligan, Michael;
Ilya; Deshmukh, Ranjit; Abhyankar, Nikit;
Soonee, Sushil Kumar;
Narasimhan, S.R.; Joshi, Mohit; Sreedharan,
Priya. Greening the Grid:
Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy
into India’s Electric Grid, Vol 1 – National Study.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2017. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/68530.pdf
221. Aaron Bloom, Bethany Frew, Aaron
Townsend, Erik Ela, Todd Levin, Audun
Botterud: Electricity
Markets, Renewable Generation and Software Agents:
Traditional and Emerging Market Designs. Springer,
2018. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319742618
220. Frew, B.; Milligan, M.; Brinkman, G.;
Bloom, A.; Clark, K; Denholm, P: Revenue
Sufficiency and Reliability in a Zero Marginal Cost
Future. Proceedings of the 15th
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission
Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants. Vienna,
Austria. Nov 15-17, 2016. 219. Frew, B.; Gallo, G.; Brinkman, G.;
Milligan, M.; Clark, K.; Bloom, A. Impact of Market
Behavior, Fleet Composition, and Ancillary Services on
Revenue Sufficiency. NREL Technical Report
NREL/TP-dD00-66076 (2016). http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy16osti/66076.pdf. 218. (Multiple Authors), M. Milligan,
Hydropower Vision: A New Chapter for America’s 1st
Renewable Electricity Source. United States Department
of Energy. Available at http://energy.gov/eere/water/articles/hydropower-vision-new-chapter-america-s-1st-renewable-electricity-source. 217. Peña, I.; Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Bloom,
A.; Botterud, A.; Townsend,
A.; Levin T. Market
designs for revenue sufficiency and flexibility
provision for the integration of renewable energy. 216. Holttinen, H.; et al (2016). Design and
operation of power systems with large amounts of wind
power: Final summary report, IEA Wind Task 25, Phase
three 2012-2014. http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/technology/2016/T268.pdf
215. Michael Milligan; Bethany A Frew; Aaron
Bloom; Erik Ela; Audun Botterud; Aaron Townsend; Todd
Levin: Wholesale
Electricity Market Design with Increasing Levels of
Renewable Generation: Part 1 Revenue Sufficiency and
Long-Term Reliability. 2016. Electricity Journal,
29, pp 26-38. Available at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040619016300094
214. Erik Ela; Michael Milligan; Aaron
Bloom; Audun Botterud; Aaron Townsend; Todd
Levin; Bethany A Frew: Wholesale
Electricity Market Design with Increasing Levels of
Renewable Generation: Part 2 Incentivizing
Flexibility in System Operations. 2016.
Electricity Journal, 29, pp 51-60. 213. Lori Bird, Debra Lew, Michael Milligan,
Maria Carlini, Ana Estanqueiro,
Damian Flynn, Emilio Gomez-Lazaro, Hannele
Holttinen, Nickie Menemenlis, Antje
Orths, Peter Børre Eriksen, J. Charles Smith, Lennart Soder, Poul
Sorensen, Argyrios Altiparmakis, Yoh
Yasuda, John Miller: Wind and Solar
Energy Curtailment: A Review of International
Experience. Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews. Elsevier. Vol 65, pp 577-586. 2016.. 212. Aidan Tuohy, Eamonn
Lannoye, Jody Dillon, Chris
Dent, Amy Wilson, S. Zachary, E. Ibanez, M. Milligan: Capacity
Adequacy and Variable Generation: Improved
Probabilistic Methods for Representing Variable Generation in
Resource Adequacy Assessment. Electric
Power Research Institute in collaboration with National
Renewable Energy Laboratory; Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, UK; Durham University, Durham, UK; Ecar Energy Ltd, Ireland. 211.
Michael; Bethany Frew; Ibanez, Eduardo; Kiviluoma, Juha;
Holttinen, Hannele; Söder,
Lennart, Capacity
Value Assessments for Wind Power: An IEA Task 25
Collaboration. Wiley Wires. 2016. 210.
Juha Kiviluoma, Hannele
Holttinen David Weir,
Richard Scharff, Lennart Söder, Nickie Menemenlis, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Irene Danti Lopez, Eamonn Lannoye,
Ana Estanqueiro, Emilio
Gomez-Lazaro, Qin Zhang, Jianhua Bai, Yih-Huei Wan, Michael Milligan:
in large-scale wind power generation. Wind Energ. (2015). Published online
in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI:
10.1002/we.1942 209.
Milligan, M.;
Few, B.; Zhou, E.; Arent,
D.: Advancing
System Flexibility for High Penetration Renewable
Integration. Part
of the China Grids Program for a Low-Carbon Future, supported by the
Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. NREL technical
report NREL/TP-6A20-64864, Oct. 2015. 208.
Milligan, M.;
Frew, B.; Kirby, B; Schuerger,
M.; Clark, K.; Lew, D.; Denholm, P.; Zavadil, B.; O’Malley, M.; Tsuchida, B. Alternatives
No More: Wind and Solar Power are Mainstays of a
Clean, Reliable, Affordable Grid. IEEE Power
and Energy Society, Power and Energy Magazine. Nov/Dec
2015. 207.
Ahlstrom, M.;
Ela, E.; Riesz, J.;
O’Sullivan, J.; Hobbs, B.; O’Malley, M.; Milligan, M.; Sotkiewics, P.; Caldwell, J.: Evolution
of the Market: Designing a Market for High Levels of
Variable Generation. IEEE Power and Energy
Society, Power and Energy Magazine. Nov/Dec 2015. 206.
Donohoo, P.;
Milligan, M.; Frew, B. Capricious
Cables – A Guide to Transmission Planning Concepts
for Policy-Makers. Electricity Journal, Vol
28, #9, Nov. 2015. Pp 85-99. NREL
Technical report version. 205.
Huertas-Hernando and D.; Farahmand,
H, (SINTEF, Norway), Holttinen,
H., Kiviluoma, J. and
Rinne, E. (VTT, Finland), Amelin
M. and Söder,
L. (KTH, Sweden), Milligan, M. and Ibanez, E. (NREL,
USA), Martín Martínez, S. And Gomez-Lazaro,
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Estanqueiro, A. And Rodrigues, L. (LNEG,
Portugal), Carr, L. And von
Roon, S., FfE, Germany,
Orths, A. And Børre Eriksen, P. (Energinet.dk, Denmark), Forcione, A. and Menemenlis, N. (Hydro Quebec,
Canada) Hydropower
flexibility for power systems with variable
renewable energy sources. Wiley
Interdisciplinary Review, Energy and Environment. (2016) 204.
Nader; Milligan, Michael; Hunsaker, Matt; Guo, T.: Approach
for Evaluating the Benefits of Intra-Hour Scheduling
between Balancing Authorities. IEEE Power
and Energy General Meeting, Denver, CO. 2015. DOI:
10.1109/PESGM.2015.7286647 203.
Mark Ahlstrom; Charlie Smith; Richard J
Piwko; Debra Lew; Aaron
Bloom; Trieu Mai; Kara Clark; Michael Milligan: Relevant
Studies for NERC's Analysis of EPA's Clean Power
Plan 111(d) Compliance, Utility
Variable Generation Integration Group; GE Energy 2015.
NREL/TP-5D00-63979 202. M Milligan; B Kirby; T Acker; M
Ahlstrom; B Frew; M Goggin; W Lasher; M Marquis; D
Osborn: Review
and Status of Wind Integration and Transmission in the
United States: Key Issues and Lessons Learned.
(Supplement to the US DOE Wind Vision). Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy15osti/61911.pdf.
2015 201. United States Department of Energy – Wind Vision: A
New Era for Wind Power in the United States. http://www.energy.gov/windvision.
2015. Task Force and author lead for Transmission and
Grid Integration. 200. Y. Yasuda (Kansai University, Japan),
A. Estanqueiro (LNEG,
Portugal), N. Cutululis
(DTU, Denmark), E. Gómez-Lázaro
(University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), J. Kondoh (Tokyo University of
Science, Japan), M. Milligan (NREL, USA), H. Holttinen (VTT, Finland), A. Orths (Energinet.dk, Denmark),
J. C. Smith (UVIG, USA), An
Objective Measure of Interconnection Usage for High
Levels of Wind Integration. 13th
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems. Berlin, Germany. Nov
11-13, 2014. 199. S. Nolan, D. Burke, H. Wajahat Qazi, D.
Flynn, M. O'Malley (UCD, Ireland), J. Kiviluoma (VTT, Finland), M. Hummon, B. Kirby, M. Milligan
(NREL, USA) (WIW14-1179), Synergies
between Wind and Solar Generation and Demand
Response: An IEA Task 25 Collaboration. 13th
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems. Berlin, Germany. Nov
11-13, 2014. 198. H. Holttinen,
J. Kiviluoma (VTT,
Finland), J. McCann, M. Clancy (SEAI, Ireland), I.
Pineda (EWEA, Belgium), M. Milligan (NREL, USA)
(WIW14-1114), Estimating
the Reduction of Generating System CO2 Emissions
Resulting from Significant Wind Energy Penetration.
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems. Berlin, Germany. Nov
11-13, 2014. 197. E. Ibanez, M. Milligan (NREL, USA)
(WIW14-1063), Comparing
Resource Adequacy Metrics. 13th
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems. Berlin, Germany. Nov
11-13, 2014. 196. J. Kiviluoma,
H. Holttinen (VTT,
Finland), R. Scharff (KTH
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), D. E. Weir
(Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate,
Norway), N. Cutululis, M. Litong-Palima (DTU Wind Energy,
Denmark), M. Milligan (NREL, USA) (WIW14-1154), Index
for Wind Power Variability. 13th
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems. Berlin, Germany. Nov
11-13, 2014. 195. Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; Bloom, A.; Botterud, A.; Townsend, A.;
Levin, T. (2014).
of Wholesale Electricity Market Design with
Increasing Levels of Renewable Generation.
139 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-5D00-61765. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/61765.pdf.
194. Jones, L. (editor) (2014). Renewable
Energy Integration: Practical Management for
Variability, Uncertainty, and Flexibility in Power
Grids. Elsevier. 193. Holttinen, H.; O’Malley, M.; Flynn, D.;
Milligan, M.; Smith, J. (2014) Recommended
Practices for Wind Integration Studies. IEEE
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, National
Harbor, Maryland. 192. Milligan, M.; Holttinen,
H.; Kiviluoma, J.; Orths, A.; Lynch, M.; Soder, L. (2014) Market Design
for High Levels of Variable Generation: An IEA
Collaboration. IEEE Power and Energy Society
General Meeting, National Harbor, Maryland. 191. Donohoo, P.; Milligan, M. (2014). Capricious
Cables: Understanding the Key Concepts in Transmission
Expansion Planning and Its Models. 24 pp.; NREL
Report No. TP-5D00-61680. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/61680.pdf. 190. Ibanez, E.; Milligan, M. (2014). Comparing
Resource Adequacy Metrics and Their Influence on
Capacity Value: Preprint. Probabilistic Methods
Applied to Power Systems Conference, Durham, England. 8
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5D00-61017. Pre-print available
at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/61017.pdf.
189. Ibanez, E.; Magee, T.; Clement, M.;
Brinkman, G.; Milligan, M.; Zagona,
E. (2014), Enhancing
hydropower modeling in variable generation
integration studies. Energy, 74 (2014)
518-528. 188. Riesz, J. and Milligan, M. (2014), Designing
electricity markets for a high penetration of
variable renewables. WIREs Energy
Environment. doi: 10.1002/wene.137 187. North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (2014). Integrating
Variable Generation Task Force 1.6: Probabilistic
Methods. Task Force Lead: Michael Milligan
and Mark O’Malley. 186. Task Force Report (2014) Collaborative
Review of Planning Models. Conducted for the
California Public Utilities Commission. 185. Corbus, D.; Hurlbut, D.; Schwabe, P.; Ibanez,
E.; Milligan, M.; Brinkman, G.; Paduru,
A.; Diakov, V.; Hand, M.
(2014) California-Wyoming
Grid Integration Study Phase 1—Economic Analysis.
Study conducted for the Wyoming Infrastructure
Authority. 84 pp.; NREL Report NREL/TP-6A20-61192.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/61192.pdf.
184. Mai, T.; Hand, M. M.; Baldwin, S. F.;
Wiser, R. H.; Brinkman, G. L.; Denholm, P.; Arent, D. J.; Porro, G.; Sandor, D.; Hostick, D. J.; Milligan, M.; DeMeo, E. A.; Bazilian, M. (2014). Renewable
Electricity Futures for the United States. IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy. Vol. 5(2), April
2014; pp. 372-378; NREL Report No. JA-6A20-58804. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSTE.2013.2290472 183. Cochran, J.; Miller, M.; Zinaman, O.; Milligan, M.; Arent, D.; Palmintier,
B.; O'Malley, M.; Mueller, S.; Lannoye,
E.; Tuohy, A.; Kujala, B.;
Sommer, M.; Holttinen, H.;
Kiviluoma, J.; Soonee, S. K. (2014). Flexibility in
21st Century Power Systems. 21st Century Power
Partnership. 14 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-6A20-61721. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/61721.pdf
182. Ela, E.; Gevorgian,
V.; Tuohy, A.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; O'Malley, M.
(2014). Market
Designs for the Primary Frequency Response Ancillary
Service - Part II: Case Studies. IEEE Transactions
on Power Systems. Vol. 29(1), January; pp. 432-440; NREL
Report No. JA-5D00-55357. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2264951 181. Ela, E.; Gevorgian,
V.; Tuohy, A.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; O'Malley, M.
(2014). Market
Designs for the Primary Frequency Response Ancillary
Service -- Part I: Motivation and Design. IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 29(1), January; pp.
421-431; NREL Report No. JA-5D00-55356. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2264942 180. Ahlstrom, M.; Bartlett, D.; Collier,
C.; Duchesne, J.; Edelson, D.; Gesino,
A.; Keyser, M.; Maggio, D.; Milligan, M.; Mohrlen, C.; O’Sullivan, J.;
Sharp, J.; Storck, P.; de
la Torre Rodriquez, M. (2013) Knowledge is
Power: Efficiently Integrating Wind Energy and Wind
Forecasts. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine,
Nov/Dec. 179. Holttinen, H.; Tuohy, A.; Milligan, M.; Lannoye, E.; Silva, V.; Muller,
S.; Soder, L. (2013) The Flexibility
Workout, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine,
Nov/Dec. 178. Holttinen, H.; Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Menemenlis, N.; Dobschinski, J.; Rawn, B.; Bessa,
R. J.; Flynn, D.; Gomez-Lazaro, E.; Detlefsen, N. (2013). Methodologies to
Determine Operating Reserves Due to Increased Wind
Power. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Power and
Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 21-25 July 2013,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Piscataway, NJ:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
10 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5D00-61586. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PESMG.2013.6673067 177. Holttinen, H.; Orths,
A.; Abildgaard, H.; van Hulle, F.; Kiviluoma,
J.; Lange, B.; O’Malley, M.; Flnn,
D.; Keane, A.; Dillon, J.; Carlini,
E.; Tande, J.; Estanqueiro, A.; Lazaro, E.; Soder, L.; Milligan, M.; Smith,
J.; Clark, C. (2013), Expert Group
Report on Recommended Practices 16 – Wind
Integration Studies. International Energy
Agency, Paris, France. 176. Hodge, B. M.; Lew, D.; Milligan, M.
(2013). Short-Term
Load Forecast Error Distributions and Implications for
Renewable Integration Studies. Proceedings of the
2013 IEEE Green Technologies Conference, 4-5 April 2013,
Denver, Colorado. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); pp.
435-442; NREL Report No. CP-5D00-60777. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/GreenTech.2013.73 175. Miller, M.; Bird, L.; Cochran, J.;
Milligan, M.; Bazilian, M.;
Denny, E.; Dillon, J.; Bialek,
J.; O'Malley, M.; Neuhoff, K. (2013).
Next Generation of RES-E Policy Instruments.
102 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-6A20-58882. 174. Ibanez, E.; Milligan, M.; Brinkman, G;
Magee, T.; Zagona, E.;
Clement, M. (2013).
Integration of Hydro, Wind, and Solar Power with
Detailed Hydro Modeling (Poster). NREL (National
Renewable Energy Laboratory). 1 pg.; NREL
Report No. PO-5500-60036. 173. Milligan, M.; Clark, K.; King, J.;
Kirby, B.; Guo, T.; Liu, G. (2013).
of Potential Benefits of an Energy Imbalance Market
in the Western Interconnection. 122 pp.;
NREL Report No. TP-5500-57115. 172. Bansal, R.; Benjamin, T. G.; Butler, P.
C.; Carlin, P.; Eyer, J.;
Fortuna, R.; Kamath, H.; Kopasz,
J. P.; Canteli, M. M.;
Milligan, M. R.; Morley, N. B.; Podolski,
W. F.; Shevenell, L. A.;
Sinclair, K.; Souder, H. C.; Thresher, R.; Tillack, M. S. (2013).
11: Alternate Sources of Power. Beaty, H. W., and Fink, D. G.,
eds. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,
Sixteenth Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc. pp.
11.1-11.167; NREL Report No. CH-5000-53154. 171. Cochran, J.; Miller, M.; Milligan, M.;
Ela, E.; Arent, D.; Bloom,
A.; Futch, M.; Kiviluoma, J.; Holtinnen, H.; Orths, A.; Gomez-Lazaro, E.;
Martin-Martinez, S.; Kukoda,
S.; Garcia, G.; Mikkelsen, K. M.; Yongqiang,
Z.; Sandholt, K. (2013).
Evolution: Wholesale Electricity Market Design for
21st Century Power Systems. 57 pp.; NREL
Report No. TP-6A20-57477.
170. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; Holttinen, H.; Kiviluoma, J.; Estanqueiro, A.;
Martin-Martinez, S.; Gomez-Lazaro, E.; Peneda, I.; Smith, C. (2013).
Integration Cost and Cost-Causation: Preprint.
Prepared for the 12th International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Into Power Systems, October
22-24, London, England; 9 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5D00-60411. 169. Bird, L.; Milligan, M.; Lew, D. (2013). Integrating Variable
Renewable Energy: Challenges and Solutions. 14
pp.; NREL Report No. TP-6A20-60451. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/60451.pdf
168. Hodge, B. M.; Lew, D.; Milligan, M. (2013). Short-Term Load
Forecasting Error Distributions and Implications for
Renewable Integration Studies: Preprint.
Prepared for the IEEE Green Technologies Conference,
April 4-5, Denver, Colorado; 10 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-57340. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/57340.pdf
167. Lew, D.;
Bird, L.; Milligan, M.; Speer, B.; Wang, X.; Carlini, E. M.; Estanqueiro, A.; Flynn, D.;
Gomez-Lazaro, E.; Menemenlis,
N.; Orths, A.; Pineda, I.;
Smith, J. C.; Soder, L.;
Sorensen, P.; Altiparmakis,
A.; Yoh, Y. (2013). Wind
and Solar Curtailment. Prepared for the International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Into Power Systems as Well as on
Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants,
October 22-24, London, England; 9 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-5500-60245.
166. Ackermann,
T. (ed), (2012) Wind Power in
Power Systems. Wiley Press. Preface by
Milligan, M.; Porter, K.; DeMeo,
E.; Denholm, P.; Holttinen,
H.; Kirby, B.; Miller, N.; Mills, A.; O’Malley, M.; Schuerger, M.; Soder, L. 165. Florita, A.; Hodge, B. M.; Milligan, M. (2012). Wind Power Forecasting
Error Frequency Analyses for Operational Power System
Studies: Preprint. Prepared for the 11th Annual
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission
Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants Conference,
November 13-15, Lisbon, Portugal; 9 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-56086. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/56086.pdf
Hodge, B. M.; Lew, D.; Milligan, M.; Holttinen, H.; Sillanpaa, S.;
Gomez-Lazaro, E.; Scharff,
R.; Soder, L.; Larsen, X.
G.; Giebel, G.; Flynn, D.;
Dobschinski, J. (2012). Wind Power Forecasting
Error Distributions: An International Comparison.
Prepared for the 11th Annual International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems
as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind
Power Plants Conference, November 13-15, Lisbon,
Portugal; 9 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-56130.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/56130.pdf
163. Duignan, R.; Dent, C. J.; Mills,
A.; Samaan, N.; Milligan, M.; Keane, A.; O'Malley, M. (2012). Capacity Value of Solar
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society
General Meeting, 22-26 July 2012, San Diego, California.
Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE); 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-54832.
Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PESGM.2012.6345429 162.
Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.;
Tuohy, A.; Brooks, D. (2012).
Approaches for Incentivizing the Frequency Responsive
Reserve Ancillary Service. 21 pp.; NREL Report
No. TP-5500-54393. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/54393.pdf
Hodge, B. M.; Orwig, K.; Milligan, M. (2012).
Information Entropy Approaches as Wind Power
Forecasting Performance Metrics: Preprint.
Prepared for the 12th International Conference on
Probabilistic; Methods Applied to Power Systems, June
10-14, Istanbul, Turkey; 8 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-53515. 160.
Hodge, B. M.; Florita,
A.; Orwig, K.; Lew, D.; Milligan, M. (2012).
of Wind Power and Load Forecasting Error
Distributions: Preprint. Prepared for the
2012 World Renewable Energy Forum, May 13-17, Denver,
Colorado; 10 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-54384. 159.
Bird, L.; Milligan, M. (2012).
from Large-Scale Renewable Energy Integration
Studies: Preprint. Prepared for the 2012
World Renewable Energy Forum, May 13-17, Denver,
Colorado; 9 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-6A20-54666. 158.
Milligan, M.; Hodge, B.; Kirby, B.;
Clark, C. (2012).
Costs: Are They Unique to Wind and Solar Energy?
Preprint. Prepared for the American Wind
Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER, June 3-6,
Atlanta, Georgia; 12 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-54905.
Milligan, M.; Donohoo,
P.; O'Malley, M. (2012).
Methods for Planning and Operating Power Systems
with Large Amounts of Wind and Solar Power:
Preprint. Prepared for the 11th Annual
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission
Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants Conference,
November 13-15, Lisbon, Portugal; 8 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-56208. 156.
Milligan, M.; Holttinen,
H.; Soder, L.; Clark, C.;
Pineda, I. (2012).
to Facilitate Wind and Solar Energy Integration in
the Bulk Power Supply: An IEA Task 25 Collaboration;
Preprint. Prepared for the 11th Annual
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission
Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants Conference,
November 13-15, Lisbon, Portugal; 9 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-56212. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/56212.pdf
King, J.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; Beuning, S. (2012).
Reserve Reductions from a Proposed Energy Imbalance
Market with Wind and Solar Generation in the Western
Interconnection. 90 pp.; NREL Report No.
Ibanez, E.; Milligan, M. (2012).
Approach to Quantifying the Contribution of Variable
Generation and Transmission to System Reliability:
Preprint. Prepared for the 11th Annual
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission
Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants Conference,
November 13-15, Lisbon, Portugal; 7 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-56219. 153.
Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Hein, J.;
Schneider, T.; Brinkman, G.; Denholm, P. (2012).
Electricity Futures Study. Volume 4: Bulk Electric
Power Systems: Operations and Transmission Planning.
(Volume 4 of 4). Golden, CO: National
Renewable Energy Laboratory; 72 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-6A20-52409-4. 152.
Orwig, K.; Hodge, B. M.; Brinkman, G.;
Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; Banunarayanan,
V.; Nasir, S.; Freedman, J. (2012).
Evaluation of Short-Term Wind Power Forecasts in
ERCOT: Preliminary Results; Preprint.
Prepared for the 11th Annual International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems
as Well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind
Power Plants Conference, November 13-15, Lisbon,
Portugal; 7 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-56257. 151.
Ibanez, E.; Milligan, M. (2012).
Effects of Transmission in the Capacity Value of Wind
Power. Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, June 3-6, Atlanta, Georgia. 150.
Kirby, B.; King, J.; Milligan, M. (2012).
Approaches to Calculate Benefits of an Energy
Imbalance Market With Wind and Solar Energy:
Preprint. Prepared for the American Wind
Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER, June 3-6,
Atlanta, Georgia; 19 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-5500-54906. 149.
Ibanez, E.; Milligan, M. (2012). Impact of Transmission on
Resource Adequacy in Systems with Wind and Solar
Power. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Power and
Energy Society General Meeting, 22-26 July 2012, San
Diego, California. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 5 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-57685. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PESGM.2012.6343955
Milligan, M.; Holttinen,
H.; Soder, L.; Clark, C. (2012). Market Structures to
Enable Efficient Wind and Solar Power Integration.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society
General Meeting, 22-26 July 2012, San Diego, California.
Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-53538.
Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PESGM.2012.6345591 147.
Martin-Martinez, S.; Gomez-Lazaro, E.;
Molina-Garcia, A.; Vigueras-Rodriguez,
Milligan, M.; Muljadi, E. (2012). Participation of Wind
Power Plants in the Spanish Power System During
Events. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Power and
Energy Society General Meeting, 22-26 July 2012, San
Diego, California. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 8 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-54501. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PESGM.2012.6345017 146. Ela, E.; Tuohy, A.; Milligan, M.;
Kirby, B.; Brooks, D. (2012).
Approaches for Incentivizing the Frequency Responsive
Reserve Ancillary Service. Electricity Journal.
Vol. 25(4), May; pp. 88-102; NREL Report No.
JA-5500-55022. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2012.04.015 145.
Troy, N.; Flynn, D.; Milligan, M.;
O’Malley, M. (2012). Unit Commitment with Dynamic
Cycling Costs. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol.
27(4), November; pp. 2196-2205. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2192141
Milligan, M.; Bird, L.; Tegen, S.; Porter, K.; Fink, S.;
Kirby, B. (2012). Wind
Power: Economy, Market, Subsidies, Payment Mechanisms,
Capacity Credit. Encyclopedia of Sustainability
Science and Technology. Springer. 143.
Holttinen, H.; Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Menemenlis, N.; Dobschinski, J.; Rawn, B.; Bessa,
B.; Flynn, D.; Gómez-Lázaro,
E.; Detlefsen, N. (2012).
Methodologies to Determine Operating Reserves Due to
Increased Wind Power. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable
Energy. Vol. 3(4), October; pp. 713-723. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSTE.2012.2208207 142.
Kiviluoma, J.; Meibom,
P.; Tuohy, A.; Troy, N.; Milligan, M.; Lange, B.; Gibescu, M.; O’Malley, M.
(2012). Short-Term Energy Balancing With
Increasing Levels of Wind Energy. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable
Energy. Vol. 3(4), October; pp. 1949-3029. Available at
http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSTE.2012.2209210 141.
Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Lew, D.; Corbus, D.; Wan, Y; Hodge, B.;
Kirby, B. (2012). Assessment of Simulated Wind Data
Requirements for Wind Integration Studies. IEEE Journal
on Sustainability. Vol. 3(4), October; pp. 620-626.
Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSTE.2011.2160880
Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Lew, D.; Corbus, D.; Wan, Y; Hodge, B.;
Kirby, B. (2012). Operational Analysis and Methods for
Wind Integration Studies. IEEE Journal on
Sustainability. Vol. 3(4), October; pp. 612-619.
Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSTE/2011.2160881 139.
Holttinen, H.; et al (2011). Design and
operation of power systems with large amounts of wind
power: Final summary report, IEA Wind Task 25, Phase two
2009-2011. http://www.ieawind.org/task_25/PDF/HomePagePDF's/T75.pdf
Lew, D.; Piwko,
R.; Jordan, G.; Miller, N.; Clark, K.; Freeman, L.;
Milligan, M. (2011).
Wind and Solar Integration Study.
Ackermann, T., ed. Proceedings of the 10th International
Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into
Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for
Offshore Wind Power Plants, 25-26 October 2011, Aarhus,
Denmark. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 7 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-52400. 137.
Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Hodge, B.;
Kirby, B.; Lew, D.; Clark, C.; DeCesaro,
J.; Lynn, K. (2011). Integration of Variable Generation,
Cost-Causation, and Integration Costs. Electricity
Journal. Vol. 24(9), November; pp. 51-63. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2011.10.011
Ibanez, E.; Lew, D.; Milligan, M.;
Jordan, G.; Piwko, R. (2011). Evaluating
the Synergies of Renewable Generation and PHEVs.
Ackermann, T., ed. Proceedings of the 10th International
Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into
Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for
Offshore Wind Power Plants, 25-26 October 2011, Aarhus,
Denmark. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 4 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-52286. 135.
Hodge, B. M.; Ela, E.; Milligan, M. (2011).
of Wind Power Forecast Errors from Operational
Systems. Ackermann, T., ed. Proceedings
of the 10th International Workshop on Large-Scale
Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as
on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants,
25-26 October 2011, Aarhus, Denmark. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 6 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-52568. 134.
Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Hodge, B. M.;
Kirby, B.; Lew, D.; Clark, C.; DeCesaro,
J.; Lynn, K. (2011).
Integration Costs and Tariffs Based on
Cost-Causation?. Ackermann
, T., ed. Proceedings of the 10th International
Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into
Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for
Offshore Wind Power Plants, 25-26 October 2011, Aarhus,
Denmark. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 8 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-52402. 133.
Milligan, M.; King, J.; Kirby, B.; Beuning, S. (2011).
of Alternative Dispatch Intervals on Operating
Reserve Requirements for Variable Generation.
Ackermann , T., ed.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems
as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind
Power Plants, 25-26 October 2011, Aarhus, Denmark. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 6 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-52506. 132.
Holttinen, H.; Kiviluoma,
J.; Estanqueiro, A.;
Gomez-Lazaro, E.; Rawn, B.;
Dobschinski, J.; Meibom, P.; Lannoye, E.; Aigner, T.; Wan, Y.
H.; Milligan, M. (2011).
of Load and Net Load in Case of Large Scale
Distributed Wind Power. Ackermann , T., ed. Proceedings
of the 10th International Workshop on Large-Scale
Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as
on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants,
25-26 October 2011, Aarhus, Denmark. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 6 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-52910. 131.
Sims, R.; Mercado, P.; Krewitt, W.; Bhuyan, G.; Flynn, D.; Holttinen, H.; Jannuzzi, G.; Khennas, S.; Liu, Y.; O’Malley,
M.; Nilsson, L.J.; Ogden, J.; Ogimoto,
K.; Outhred, H.; Ulleberg, Ø.; van Hulle, F. (2011). “Integration
of Renewable Energy into Present and Future Energy
Systems.” Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change Special Report: Renewable
Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth,
P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel,
P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen,
S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)].
Cambridge, United Kingdom, and New York, USA: Cambridge
University Press. Contributing authors M. Bazilian (Austria/USA), M. Beerepoot (France), T. Demayo (USA/Canada), E. Denny
(Ireland), D. Infield (United Kingdom), A. Keane
(Ireland), A. Lee (USA), M. Milligan (USA), A. Mills
(USA), M. Power (Ireland), P. Smith (Ireland), L. Söder (Sweden), A. Tuohy (USA),
F. Ueckerdt (Germany), and
J. Zhang (Sweden). 130.
Lauby, M.; Ahlstrom, M.; Brooks, D.; Beuning, S.; Caspary, J.; Grant,
W.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; O’Malley, M.; Patel, M.; Piwko, R.; Pourbeik,
P.; Shirmohammadi, D.;
Smith, J. (2011). Balancing Act. IEEE Power and Energy.
Vol. 9(6), November/December; pp. 75-85. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MPE.2011.942352
Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2011).
Reserves and Variable Generation. A comprehensive
review of current strategies, studies, and
fundamental research on the impact that increased
penetration of variable renewable generation has on
power system operating reserves. 103 pp.;
NREL Report No. TP-5500-51978. 128. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; King, J.; Beuning, S. (2011).
Reserve Implication of Alternative Implementations
of an Energy Imbalance Service on Wind Integration
in the Western Interconnection: Preprint.
Prepared for the 2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society
General Meeting, 24-29 July 2011, Detroit, Michigan; 10
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-51343. 127. King, J.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; S. Beuning (2011).
Reserve Reductions from an Energy Imbalance Market
with High Levels of Wind Energy in the Western
Interconnection. 100 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-5500-52330. 126. Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Hodge, B. M.;
Kirby, B.; Lew, D.; Clark, C.; DeCesaro,
J.; Lynn, K. (2011).
and Integration Cost Analysis for Variable
Generation. 37 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-5500-51860. 125.
Lew, D.; Milligan, M.; Jordan, G.; Piwko, R. (2011).
of Wind Power Forecasting. 13 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-50814. 124.
Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; O'Malley, M. (2011).
Power System Operations Simulation Model for
Assessing Wind Integration: Preprint.
Prepared for the Power & Energy Society General
Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, July 24-29, 2011; 11 pp.;
NREL Report No. CP-5500-50641. 123. Hodge, B-M; Lew, D; Milligan, M.
(2011). The Impact of High Wind Power Penetrations on
Hydroelectric Unit Operations in the WWSIS. 8 pp.; NREL
Report NREL/TP-5500-52251. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy11osti/52251.pdf. 122.
North American Electric Reliability
Corporation. Integrating Variable Generation Task Force
on Probabilistic Methods Team. M. Milligan and M.
O’Malley, leads. (2011). Methods to Model and Calculate
Capacity Contributions of Variable Generation for
Resource Adequacy Planning. Available at https://www.nerc.com/comm/PC/Integration%20of%20Variable%20Generation%20Task%20Force%20IVGT/Sub%20Teams/Probabilistic%20Techniques/IVGTF1-2.pdf 121. Keane, A.; Milligan, M.; D’Annunzio,
C.; Dent, C.; Dragoon, K.; Hasche,
B.; Holttinen, H.; Samaan,
N.; Söder, L.; O’Malley, M.
(2011). Capacity
Value of Wind Power. IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol 26, No. 2, May. (IEEE Wind Capacity Value
Task Force paper.)
120. Milligan, M.; Jordan, G.; Piwko, R.; Beuning,
S.; Lew, D.; Kirby, B.; King, J. (2011). An
Analysis of the Impact of Balancing Area Cooperation
on the Operation of the Western Interconnection with
Wind and Solar Generation. (Link to presentation
only). Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, May 22-25, Anaheim, California. 119. Kiviluoma, J.; O'Malley, M.; Tuohy, A.; Meibom, P.; Milligan, M.; Lange,
B.; Holttinen, H.; Gibescu, M. (2011).
of Wind Power on the Unit Commitment, Operating
Reserves, and Market Design. 2011 IEEE
PES (Power and Energy Society) General Meeting: The
Electrification of Transportation and the Grid of the
Future, 24-28 July 2011, Detroit, Michigan. Piscataway,
NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE); 8 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-53786. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/pes.2011.6039621 118. Hodge, B. M.; Milligan, M. (2011).
Power Forecasting Error Distributions over Multiple
Timescales: Preprint. 11 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-5500-50614. 117. Ela, E.; Kirby, B.; Lannoye, E.; Milligan, M.;
Flynn, D.; Zavadil, B.;
O'Malley, M. (2011).
of Operating Reserve Determination in Wind Power
Integration Studies. Prepared for the
2010 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting,
25-29 July 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 11 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-49100. 116. O'Malley, M.; Milligan, M.; Holttinen, H.; Dent, C.; Keane,
A. (2010).
Value of Wind Power - Summary. Ackermann , T., ed. Proceedings
of the 9th International Workshop on Large-Scale
Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as
on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants,
18-19 October 2010, Quebec, Canada. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 2 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-54614. 115.
North American Electric Reliability
Corporation. Integrating Variable Generation Task Force
on Probabilistic Methods Team. M. Milligan and M.
O’Malley, leads. (2010). Special Report: Flexibility
Requirements and Metrics for Variable Generation:
Implications for System Planning Studies. Available at http://www.nerc.com/docs/pc/ivgtf/IVGTF_Task_1_4_Final.pdf 114. Kiviluoma, J.; O'Malley, M.; Tuohy, A.;
Milligan, M.; Lange, B.; Holttinen,
H.; Gibescu, M.; Meibom, P.; Vigueras-Rodriguez, A.;
Gomez-Lazaro, E. (2010).
of Wind Power on the Unit Commitment and Power
System Operations. Ackermann
, T., ed. Proceedings of the 9th International
Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into
Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for
Offshore Wind Power Plants, 18-19 October 2010, Quebec,
Canada. Langen, Germany: Energynautics GmbH; 8 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-5500-54611. 113. Milligan, M.; Donohoo,
P.; Lew, D.; Ela, E.; Kirby, B.; Holttinen,
H.; Lannoye, E.; Flynn, D.;
O'Malley, M.; Miller, N.; Eriksen, P. B.; Gottig, A.; Rawn, B.; Gibescu,
M.; Lazaro, E. G.; Robitaille, A.; Kamwa,
I. (2010).
Reserves and Wind Power Integration: An
International Comparison; Preprint.
Prepared for the 9th Annual International Workshop on
Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems
as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind
Power Plants, 18-19 October 2010, Quebec, Canada; 19
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-49019. 112. Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; Meibom, P.; Barth, R.; Tuohy, A.
Unit Commitment Strategies for the U.S. Eastern
Interconnection: Preprint. Prepared for
the 9th Annual International Workshop on Large-Scale
Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as
on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants,
18-19 October 2010, Quebec, Canada; 8 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-5500-49106. 111. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; Ela, E. (2010).
Minute-to-Minute Regulation from Wind Plants:
Preprint. Prepared for the 9th Annual
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
Wind Power into Power Systems; and Transmission Networks
for Offshore Wind Power Plant, 18-19 October 2010,
Quebec, Canada; 11 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-48971. 110. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; King, J.; Beuning, S. (2010).
of Regional Energy Balancing Service on Wind
Integration in the Western Interconnection of the
United States: Preprint. Prepared for the
9th Annual International Workshop on Large-Scale
Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as
on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants;
October 18-19, 2010; Quebec, Canada; 10 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-5500-49076. 109. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; Beuning, S. (2010).
Reductions in Variability with Alternative
Approaches to Balancing Area Cooperation with High
Penetrations of Variable Generation. 78
pp.; NREL Report No. MP-550-48427. 108. Denholm, P.; Ela, E.; Kirby, B.;
Milligan, M. (2010).
of Energy Storage with Renewable Electricity
Generation. 61 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-6A2-47187. 107. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; Beuning, S. (2010).
Balancing Areas' Variability: Impacts on Wind
Integration in the Western Interconnection.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 23-26 May 2010, Dallas, Texas; 29
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-48249. 106.
Kallesen, D.; Milligan, M.; Zavadil, R.; Hunt, R.; Johannes,
C. (2010). Nebraska Statewide (NPA) Wind Integration
Study: Key Results. Prepared for the American Wind
Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 23-26 May
2010, Dallas, Texas. 105. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2010).
Load Response for Wind and Solar Integration and
Power System Reliability. Prepared for
the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 23-26 May 2010, Dallas, Texas; 21 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-550-48247. 104. Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Lew, D.; Corbus, D.; Wan, Y. H. (2010).
Wind Integration Study Methodologies: Implications
of Higher Levels of Wind. Prepared for
the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 23-26 May 2010, Dallas, Texas; 50 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-550-48944. 103. Lew, D.; Piwko,
D.; Miller, N.; Jordan, G.; Clark, K.; Freeman, L. (2010).
Do High Levels of Wind and Solar Impact the Grid?
The Western Wind and Solar Integration Study.
15 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-5500-50057. 102.
Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2010).
Characteristics for Efficient Integration of
Variable Generation in the Western Interconnection.
51 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-550-48192. 101. Lannoye, E.; Milligan, M.; Adams, J.; Tuohy,
A.; Chandler, H.; Flynn, D.; O'Malley, M. (2010).
of Variable Generation: Capacity Value and
Evaluation of Flexibility. Proceedings of
the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting,
25-29 July 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Piscataway, NJ:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE); 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-49808. 100. Holttinen, H. Meibom,
P.; Orths, A.; van Hulle, F.; Lange, B.; O’Malley,
M.; Pierik, J.; Ummels, B.; Olav Tande, J.; Estanqueiro,
A.; Matos, M.; Ricardo, J.; Gomez, E.; Lennart, S.; Strbac, G.; Shakoor, A.; Charles
Smith, J.; Milligan, M.; Ela, E. (2009). Design and
Operations of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind
Power: Final Report, IEA Wind Task 25, Phase One:
2006–2008. Finland: VTT. Available at http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/tiedotteet/2009/T2493.pdf 99. Mills, A.; Wiser, R.; Milligan, M.;
O'Malley, M. (2009). Comment
on 'Air Emissions Due to Wind and Solar Power'.
Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 43(15), 2009;
pp. 6106-6107; NREL Report No. JA-550-46625. Available
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es900831b
98. Milligan, M.; Lew, D.; Corbus, D.; Piwko, R.; Miller, N.; Clark,
K.; Jordan, G.; Freeman, L.; Zavadil,
B.; Schuerger, M. (2009).
Wind Integration Studies in the United States:
Preliminary Results; Preprint. Prepared
for the 8th International Workshop on Large Scale
Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks
for Offshore Wind Farms, 14-15 October 2009, Bremen,
Germany; 8 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-46527. 97. Lew, D.; Milligan, M.; Jordan, G.;
Freeman, L.; Miller, N.; Clark, K.; Piwko, R. (2009).
do Wind and Solar Power Affect Grid Operations: The
Western Wind and Solar Integration Study; Preprint.
Prepared for the 8th International Workshop on Large
Scale Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission
Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 14-15 October 2009,
Bremen, Germany; 10 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-550-46517. 96. Corbus, D.; Milligan, M.; Ela, E.; Schuerger, M.; Zavadil, B. (2009).
Wind Integration and Transmission Study -
Preliminary Findings: Preprint. Prepared
for the 8th International Workshop on Large Scale
Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks
for Offshore Wind Farms, 14-15 October 2009, Bremen,
Germany; 9 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-46505. 95. Ela, E.; Milligan, M.; Parsons, B.;
Lew, D.; Corbus, D. (2009). Evolution of Wind Power
Integration Studies: Past, Present, and Future.
[Proceedings] 2009 IEEE Power and Energy Society General
Meeting (PES 09);26-30 July 2009; Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 8 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-550-47059. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/pes.2009.5275981
94. Milligan,
M.; Kirby, B.; Gramlich,
R.; Goggin, M. (2009).
of Electric Industry Structure on High Wind
Penetration Potential. 31 pp.; NREL
Report No. TP-550-46273. 93. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M. (2009).
Requirements to Support Inter-Balancing Area Wind
Delivery. 29 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-550-46274. 92. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M. (2009). Capacity Requirements to
Support Inter-Balancing Area Wind Delivery. Windpower 2009 Conference &
Exhibition [Full Conference Materials DVD-ROM], 4-7 May
2009, Chicago, Illinois. Washington, D.C.: American Wind
Energy Association (AWEA); produced by Fleetwood Onsite
Conference Recording 22 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-550-46842. 91. Milligan, M.; Porter K.; DeMeo, E.; Denholm, P.; Holttinen, H.; Kirby, B.;
Miller, N.; Mills, A.; O'Malley, M.; Schuerger, M.; Soder, L. (2009).
Power Myths Debunked. IEEE Power and
Energy Magazine. Vol. 7(6), November/December; pp.
89-99; NREL Report No. JA-550-47230. 90. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2009).
Wind Integration Costs: Separating Wind Energy Value
from Integration Cost Impacts. 28 pp.;
NREL Report No. TP-550-46275. 89. North American Electric Reliability
Corporation. (2009). Accommodating High Levels of
Variable Generation. Integrating Variable Generation
Task Force report. April. Available at http://www.nerc.com/docs/pc/ivgtf/IVGTF_Report_041609.pdf 88. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; Gramlich, R.; Goggin, M. (2009).
of Electric Industry Structure on High Wind
Penetration Potential. 31 pp.; NREL
Report No. TP-550-46273. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy09osti/46273.pdf 87.
Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2008). The Impact of
Balancing Area Size and Ramping Requirements on Wind
Integration. Wind Engineering. Vol.
32(4); pp. 399-413. 86.
Kirby, B.; Milligan, M. (2008).
of Capacity and Ramping Impacts of Wind Energy on
Power Systems. 26 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-500-42872. 85. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M. (2008). Examination of Capacity and Ramping Impacts of Wind Energy on Power Systems.The Electricity Journal. Vol. 21(7); August/September; pp. 30-42. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2008.08.002 84. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2008).
of Sub-Hourly Ramping Impacts of Wind Energy and
Balancing Area Size: Preprint. Prepared
for the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 1-4 June 2008, Houston, Texas; 19 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-500-43434. 83. Dragoon, K.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M. (2008).
Wind Forecasts Make Good Generation Schedules?
Preprint. Prepared for the American Wind
Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 1-4 June 2008,
Houston, Texas; 13 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-43507. 82. Milligan, M.; Porter, K. (2008). Wind Capacity
Value. Prepared for the American Wind Energy
Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 1-4 June 2008,
Houston, Texas. Available at
https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy08osti/43433.pdf. 81. Ensslin, C.; Milligan, M.; Holttinen, H.; O’Malley, M.;
Keane, A. (2008). Current Methods to
Calculate Capacity Credit of Wind Power. IEA
Collaboration. Prepared for the IEEE Power
Engineering Society Summer Meeting. Available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4596006. 80. Milligan, M.; Porter, K. (2008).
Capacity Value
of Wind in the U.S.: An Update. Prepared for
the IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting.
Available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4596647. 79. Holttinen, H.; Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; Molinski, T.; Neimane, V. (2008). Using
Standard Deviation as a Measure of Increased Operational
Reserve Requirement for Wind Power. Wind Engineering.
Vol. 32(4); pp. 355-378. Available at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1260/0309-524X.32.4.355
78. Smith, J. C.; Parsons, B.; Acker, T.;
Milligan, M.; Zavadil, R.;
Schuerger, M.; DeMeo, E. (2007). Best Practices in Grid
Integration of Variable Wind Power: Summary of Recent
US Case Study Results and Mitigation Measures.
Prepared for the European Wind Energy Conference and
Exhibition, 7-10 May 2007, Milan, Italy; 10 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-500-41635. https://nau.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/best-practices-in-grid-integration-of-variable-wind-power-summary 77. DeMeo, E.A.; Jordan, G.; Kalich, C.; King, J.; Milligan,
M.R.; Murley, C.; Oakleaf,
B.; Schuerger, M. (2007).
Accommodating Wind's Natural Behavior. IEEE
Power and Energy. December. Available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4383124. 76. Wan, Y.; Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2007). Impact of Energy
Imbalance Tariff on Wind Energy. Prepared for
the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 3-6 June 2007, Los Angeles, California; 13
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-40663. Available at https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy07osti/40663.pdf 75. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B. (2007). Impact of Balancing Areas
Size, Obligation Sharing, and Ramping Capability on
Wind Integration: Preprint. Prepared for the
American Wind Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER,
3-6 June 2007, Los Angeles, California; 43 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-500-41809. Available at https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy07osti/41809.pdf
74. Tegen, S.; Milligan, M.; Goldberg, M. (2007). Economic Development
Impacts of Wind Power: A Comparative Analysis of
Impacts within the Western Governors' Association
States; Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 3-6 June 2007, Los Angeles,
California; 19 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-41808.
Available at https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy07osti/41808.pdf
73. Smith, J. C.; Milligan, M. R.; DeMeo, E. A.; Parsons, B. (2007).
Wind Integration and Operating Impact State of the
Art. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol.
22(3), August; pp. 900-908; NREL Report No.
JA-500-41329. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2007.901598
72. Milligan, M. (2006). Tackling Climate
Change in the United States: The Potential Contribution
from Wind Power. Prepared for the American Solar Energy
Society Conference, Denver, Colorado. Available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007XJ9WZU/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 71. M. Milligan, numerous co-authors, Wind
Task Force Report to the Clean and Diverse Energy
Advisory Committee. Western Interstate Energy Board,
Western Governors Association. (2006). 70. Parsons, B.; Milligan, M.; Smith, J.
C.; DeMeo, E.; Oakleaf, B.;
Wolf, K.; Schuerger, M.; Zavadil, R.; Ahlstrom, M.; Nakafuji, D. Y. (2006). Grid Impacts of Wind
Power Variability: Recent Assessments from a Variety
of Utilities in the United States; Preprint.
Prepared for the European Wind Energy Conference,
February 27 - March 2, 2006, Athens, Greece; 16 pp.;
NREL Report No. CP-500-39955. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/39955.pdf
69. Parsons, B.; Milligan, M.; Smith, J.
C.; DeMeo, E.; Oakleaf, B.;
Wolf, K.; Schuerger, M.; Zavadil, R.; Ahlstrom, M.; Nakafuji, D. Y. (2006). Grid
Impacts of Wind Power Variability: Recent Assessments
from a Variety of Utilities in the United States.
Prepared for the Nordic Wind Power Conference, Espoo,
Finland, May. (Note: This is an updated version of
[108]). 68. Milligan, M.; Shiu,
H.; Kirby, B.; Jackson, K. (2006).
Analysis of Renewable Energy Impacts in California:
Results from the Renewable Portfolio Standards
Integration Cost Analysis; Preprint. Prepared
for the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 4-7 June 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 40
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-40058. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/40058.pdf
67. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; Wan, Y. (2006). Cost-Causation-Based
Tariffs for Wind Ancillary Service Impacts: Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 4-7 June 2006, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; 26 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-40073.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/40073.pdf
66. Tegen, S.; Goldberg, M.; Milligan, M. (2006). User-Friendly Tool to
Calculate Economic Impacts from Coal, Natural Gas, and
Wind: The Expanded Jobs and Economic Development
Impact Model (JEDI II); Preprint. Prepared for
the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 4-7 June 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 25
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-40085. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/40085.pdf
65. Milligan, M.; Parsons, B.; Shimshak, R.; Larson, D.; Carr, T. (2006). Wind Supply Curves and
Location Scenarios in the West: Summary of the Clean
and Diverse Energy Wind Task Force Report; Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 4-7 June 2006, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; 53 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-40050.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/40050.pdf
64. Shiu, H.; Milligan, M. Kirby, B.; Jackson,
K. (2006). California Renewables Portfolio Standard
Renewable Generation Integration Cost Report. Prepared
for the California Energy Commission, May. Available at
63. Milligan, M.; Porter, K. (2006). Capacity Value of Wind in
the United States: Methods and Implementation.
Electricity Journal. Vol. 19(2), March; pp. 91-99; NREL
Report No. JA-500-38636. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2005.12.010
62. Milligan,
M. (2006). Wind Energy System Integration Impacts and
Costs. Standard Handbook for Electrical
Engineers. 15th Edition. Beaty,
H.W., and Fink, D.G., eds. New York: McGraw-Hill,
August. Available at http://doi.contentdirections.com/mr/mgh.jsp?doi=10.1036/0071441468 61. DeMeo, E.;
Grant, W.; Schuerger, M.; M. Milligan (2005). Integration
of Utility-Scale Wind Plants: Costs, Status, and Issues.
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine. November/December.
Available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1524619 60. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M. (2005). Method and Case Study for
Estimating the Ramping Capability of a Control Area or
Balancing Authority and Implications for Moderate or
High Wind Penetration: Preprint. Prepared for
the American Wind Energy Association Conference,
WINDPOWER, 15-18 May 2005, Denver, Colorado; 19 pp.;
NREL Report No. CP-500-38153. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/38153.pdf 59. Krich, A.; Milligan, M. (2005). Impact of Wind Energy on
Hourly Load Following Requirements: An Hourly and
Seasonal Analysis; Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 15-18 May 2005, Denver, Colorado;
20 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-38061. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/38061.pdf
58. Milligan, M.; Porter, K. (2005). Determining the Capacity
Value of Wind: A Survey of Methods and Implementation;
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 15-18 May 2005, Denver, Colorado;
30 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-38062. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/38062.pdf 57. Milligan, M.; Berger, D. P. (2005). Preliminary Analysis and
Case Study of Transmission Constraints and Wind Energy
in the West: Preprint. Prepared for the
American Wind Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER,
15-18 May 2005, Denver, Colorado; 17 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-500-38152. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/38152.pdf 56. Smith, J. C.; DeMeo,
E. A.; Parsons, B.; Milligan, M. (2005). Summary of Wind Power
Impacts on Electric Power System Operating Costs.
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy.
Vol. 3(4); pp. 342-354; NREL Report No. JA-500-37121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJETP.2005.008399
55. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; Makarov, Y.;
Hawkins, D.; Lovekin, J.;
Jackson, K.; Shiu, H.
(2004). California Renewables Portfolio Standard
Renewable Generation Integration Cost Analysis: Phase
III—Recommendations for Implementation. Prepared for the
California Energy Commission, July. Available at http://www.energy.ca.gov/reports/500-04-054.PDF 54. Smith, J. C.; DeMeo,
E. A.; Parsons, B.; Milligan, M. (2004). Wind Power Impacts on
Electric Power System Operating Costs: Summary and
Perspective on Work to Date; Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 29-31 March 2004, Chicago,
Illinois; 13 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-35946.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35946.pdf
53. Milligan, M.; Kirby, B.; Jackson, K.; Shiu, H.; Makarov, Y.; Hawkins,
D. (2004). California RPS
Integration Study: Phase I Summary and Results;
Preprint. Prepared for the American Wind Energy
Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 29-31 March 2004,
Chicago, Illinois; 32 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-35947.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35947.pdf 52. Hamilton, R.; Lehr, R.; Olsen, D.;
Nielsen, J.; Acker, T.; Milligan, M.; Geller, H. (2004).
Wind into Transmission Planning: The Rocky Mountain
Area Transmission Study (RMATS): Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 29-31 March 2004, Chicago,
Illinois; 26 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-35969.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35969.pdf 51. Sinclair, K.; Milligan, M.; Goldberg,
M. (2004). Job and Economic
Development Impact (JEDI) Model: A User-Friendly Tool
to Calculate Economic Impacts from Wind Projects;
Preprint. Prepared for the American Wind Energy
Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 29-31 March 2004,
Chicago, Illinois; 12 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-35953.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35953.pdf
50. Wind Energy
Economics. (2004). In Energy Encyclopedia. Academic
Press. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B012176480X003387 49. Milligan, M.; Schwartz, M. N.; Wan, Y.
(2003). Statistical Wind
Power Forecasting for U.S. Wind Farms: Preprint.
Prepared for the 17th Conference on Probability and
Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences/2004 American
Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 11-15 January
2004, Seattle, Washington; 11 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-500-35087. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35087.pdf 48. Wan, Y.; Milligan, M.; Parsons, B. (2003). Output Power Correlation
Between Adjacent Wind Power Plants.
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. Transactions of the
ASME. Vol. 125(4), November; pp. 551-555; NREL Report
No. JA-500-33519. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.1626127 47. Kirby, B.; Milligan, M.; Makarov, Y.;
Hawkins, D. (2003). California Renewables Portfolio
Standard: Renewable Generation Integration Cost
Analysis. Prepared for the California Energy Commission.
California Wind Energy Collaborative, December. http://www.consultkirby.com/files/RPS_Int_Cost_PhaseI_Final.pdf 46. Parsons, B.; Milligan, M.; Zavadil, B.; Brooks, D.; Kirby,
B.; Dragoon, K.; Caldwell, J. (2003). Grid Impacts of Wind
Power: A Summary of Recent Studies in the United
States; Preprint.
Prepared for the European Wind Energy Conference and
Exhibition, 16-19 June 2003, Madrid, Spain; 28 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-500-34318. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/34318.pdf 45. Milligan, M. (2003). Wind Power Plants and
System Operation in the Hourly Time Domain: Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 18-21 May 2003, Austin, Texas; 24
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-33955. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/33955.pdf
44. Milligan, M.; Schwartz, M.; Wan, Y. (2003). Statistical Wind Power
Forecasting Models: Results for U.S. Wind Farms;
Preprint. Prepared for the American Wind Energy
Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 18-21 May 2003,
Austin, Texas; 17 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-33956.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/33956.pdf
43. Dragoon, K.; Milligan, M. (2003). Assessing Wind
Integration Costs with Dispatch Models: A Case Study
of PacifiCorp; Preprint. Prepared for the
American Wind Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER,
18-21 May 2003, Austin, Texas; 15 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-500-34022. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/34022.pdf 42. Milligan, M. (2003). Reserves and
Regulation in Systems with Large-Scale Wind Power
Plants. Invited paper, special issue of Electric
Power Systems Research. Strbac,
G., ed., University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology, Manchester, United Kingdom. 41. Wan, Y.; Parsons, B.; Milligan, M. (2003). Output Power Correlation
Between Nearby Wind Power Plants.
Collection of the 2003 ASME Wind Energy Symposium
Technical Papers at the 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, 6-9 January 2003, Reno, Nevada. New
York: American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Inc. (AIAA) and American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) pp. 351-356; NREL Report No.
CP-500-32726. http://solarenergyengineering.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=1456906 40. Milligan, M.; Porter, K.; Parsons, B.;
Caldwell, J. (2002). Wind
Energy and Power System Operations: A Survey of
Current Research and Regulatory Actions.
The Electricity Journal. Vol. 15(2), March; pp. 56-67;
NREL Report No. JA-500-31394. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1040-6190(02)00267-1
39. Schwartz, M. N.; Milligan, M. (2002). Statistical Wind
Forecasting at the U.S. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (viewgraphs only). Thor, S.-E., ed.
First IEA Joint Action Symposium on Wind Forecasting
Techniques, December 2002, Noorkoping,
Sweden; Organised by: SMHI,
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.
International Energy Agency: Implementing Agreement for
Co-operation in the Research and Development of Wind
Turbine Systems; Annex XI. [S.l.] : International Energy Agency
pp. 115-124B; NREL Report No. PR-500-33264. 38. Milligan, M. (2002). Analytic
Assessments of the Economics, Reliability, and Operating
Impacts of Wind Power Plants. Energy Studies
Review. Vol. 11(1); pp. 1-22. Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada: McMaster Institute for Energy Studies.
https://energystudiesreview.ca/esr/article/view/439 37. Milligan, M. R. (2002). Chronological Reliability
Model Incorporating Wind Forecasts to Assess Wind
Plant Reserve Allocation: Preprint.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 3-5 June 2002, Portland, Oregon;
14 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-32210. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy02osti/32210.pdf 36. Milligan, M.; Caldwell, J.; Porter, K.;
Parsons, B.; Cadogan, J.
(2002). Grid Operating Impacts: Analytic Assessments and
Market Treatment of Wind Intermittency in the United
States. Prepared for the American Wind Energy
Association Conference, WINDPOWER, April, Paris. 35. Milligan, M.; Porter, K.; Parsons, B.;
Caldwell, J. (2002). Wind
Energy and Power System Operations: A Survey of
Current Research and Regulatory Actions.
The Electricity Journal. Vol. 15(2), March; pp. 56-67;
NREL Report No. JA-500-31394. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1040-6190(02)00267-1
34. Milligan, M. R. (2002). Modeling Utility-Scale
Wind Power Plants, Part 2: Capacity Credit. 67
pp.; NREL Report No. TP-500-29701. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy02osti/29701.pdf
33. Milligan, M. R. (2001). Chronological Reliability
Model to Assess Operating Reserve Allocation to Wind
Power Plants: Preprint.
Prepared for the 2001 European Wind Energy Conference,
2-6 July 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark; 7 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-500-30490. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy01osti/30490.pdf 32. Milligan, M. R. (2001). Sliding Window Technique
for Calculating System LOLP Contributions of Wind
Power Plants.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 4-7 June 2001, Washington, D.C.;
12 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-30363. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy01osti/30363.pdf 31. Lehr, R. L.; Nielsen, J.; Andrews, S.;
Milligan, M. (2001).
Colorado Public Utility Commission's Xcel Wind
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 4-7 June 2001, Washington, D.C.;
12 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-30551. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy01osti/30551.pdf 30. Factors
Relevant to Incorporating Wind Power Plants into the
Generating Mix in Restructured Electricity Markets. (2001). Prepared for the 24th Annual
International Conference of the International
Association for Energy Economics. Houston, Texas.
Spring. 29. Milligan, M. R. (2000). Modeling Utility-Scale
Wind Power Plants, Part 1: Economics.
39 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-500-27514. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy00osti/27514.pdf
28. Milligan, M. R. (2000). Modeling
Utility-Scale Wind Power Plants, Part 1: Economics. Wind
Energy Journal. Vol. 2(4), October/December; pp.
167-193. Available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/1099-1824(199910/12)2:4%3C167::AID-WE25%3E3.0.CO;2-A/pdf 27. Milligan, M.; Factor, T. (2000).
Optimizing the Geographic Distribution of Wind Plants in
Iowa for Maximum Economic Benefit and Reliability. Wind
Engineering. Vol. 24(4), July; pp. 271-290. Available at
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1260/0309524001495639 26. Cadogan, J.; Milligan, M.; Wan, Y.; Kirby, B.
(2000). Short-Term Output
Variations in Wind Farms--Implications for Ancillary
Services in the United States: Preprint.
Prepared for the Wind Power for the 21st Century
Conference, 26-28 September 2000, Kassel, Germany; 10
pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-29155. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy01osti/29155.pdf 25. Milligan, M. (2000). Wind Power
Planning and Operation Benefits and Issues in Evolving
Competitive Markets. Energy and
Environment Special Edition, Renewable Energy: Key
Issues for the new Millennium. Mitchell, C.,
ed. Vol. 11(4). Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom:
Multi-Science Publishing Co., LTD. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43734338?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents 24. Milligan, M. R.; Factor, T. (2000). Application of a Dynamic
Fuzzy Search Algorithm to Determine Optimal Wind Plant
Sizes and Locations in Iowa: Preprint. Prepared
for the International Conference on Probabilistic
Methods Applied to Power Systems, 25-28 September 2000,
Funchal, Madiera, Portugal;
11 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-27713. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy01osti/27713.pdf 23. Milligan, M.; Parsons, B. (1999). A
Comparison and Case Study of Capacity Credit Algorithms
for Wind Power Plants. Vol. 23(3). Brentwood,
Essex, United Kingdom: Multi-Science Publishing Co.,
LTD. (Note: An updated, invited submission was submitted
to the Journal
of Wind Engineering.) 22. Factor, T.; Milligan, M. (1999). Evaluation of Optimal
Distribution of Wind Power Facilities in Iowa for
2015. Prepared for the American Wind Energy
Association Conference, WINDPOWER, 21-23 June 1999,
Burlington, Vermont; 12 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-500-26723. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy99osti/26723.pdf
21. Milligan, M. R.; Artig,
R. (1999). Choosing Wind
Power Plant Locations and Sizes Based on Electric
Reliability Measures Using Multiple-Year Wind Speed
Prepared for the U.S. Association for Energy Economics
Annual Conference, 29 August—1 September 1999, Orlando,
Florida; 11 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-26724. Available
at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy99osti/26724.pdf
20. Milligan,
M. Buhl, M.; Carlin, P.; Sinclair, K.; Tromly, K. (1999). Chapter 11:
Wind Energy System Integration Impacts and Costs. Standard Handbook for Electrical
Engineers. 14th Edition. Beaty,
H.W., and Fink, D.G., eds. New York: McGraw-Hill,
November. 19. Milligan, M. R. (1999). Utility-Scale Wind Energy
Conversion Systems: Modeling and Applications.
IEEE Power Engineering Review. Vol. 19(11), November;
pp. 13-14; NREL Report No. 24918. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MPER.1999.799636
18. Milligan, M. R.; Artig,
R. (1998). Optimal Site
Selection and Sizing of Distributed Utility-Scale Wind
Power Plants. Prepared for International
Association of Energy Economists, 21st Annual
International Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada,
May 13-16, 1998; 12 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-500-24312.
Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/old/24312.pdf
17. Milligan, M. R.; Artig,
R. (1998). Reliability
Benefits of Dispersed Wind Resource Development.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 27 April – 1 May 1998,
Bakersfield, California; 12 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-500-24314. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy98/24314.pdf 16. Kline, J.; Milligan, M. (1998). Evaluation of Hourly
Average Wind-Speed Estimation Techniques.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 27 April – 1 May 1998,
Bakersfield, California; 12 pp.; NREL Report No.
CP-500-24664. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy98/24664.pdf 15. Milligan, M. R.; Graham, M. S. (1997). Enumerative Technique for
Modeling Wind Power Variations in Production Costing.
Prepared for the International Conference on
Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 21-25
September 1997, Vancouver, Canada; 8 pp.; NREL Report
No. CP-440-22868. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy97/22868.pdf 14. Milligan, M. (1997). Wind Plant Capacity
Credit Variations: A Comparison of Results Using
Multiyear Actual and Simulated Wind-Speed Data.
Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association
Conference, WINDPOWER, 15-18 June 1997, Austin, Texas;
11 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-440-23096. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/old/23096.pdf 13. Milligan, M.; Parsons, B. (1997). Comparison and Case Study
of Capacity Credit Algorithms for Intermittent
Generators. Prepared for the Solar Energy
Forum, 25-30 April 1997, Washington, D.C.; 8 pp.; NREL
Report No. CP-440-22591. Available at https://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy97/22591.pdf 12. Milligan, M. (1996). Wind Data
Replacement Algorithms. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, National Wind Technology Center. Working
Paper. 11. Milligan, M. R.; Pang, C. K.; Tam, G. (1996). Alternative Methods of
Modeling Wind Generation Using Production Cost Models.
Prepared for the Conference of the Electricity Supply
Industry, 21-25 October 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 12
pp.; NREL Report No. TP-440-21411. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/old/21411.pdf
10. Milligan, M. R.; Graham, M. S. (1996). Enumerated Probabilistic
Simulation Technique and Case Study: Integrating Wind
Power into Utility Production Cost Models.
Prepared for IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer
Meeting, 29 July - 1 August 1996, Denver, Colorado; 19
pp.; NREL Report No. TP-440-21530. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy96/21530.pdf
9. Milligan, M. R. (1996). Variance Estimates of
Wind Plant Capacity Credit. Prepared for the
American Wind Energy Association Conference, WINDPOWER,
23-27 June 1996, Denver, Colorado; 11 pp.; NREL Report
No. TP-440-21311. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy96/21311.pdf 8. Milligan, M. R. (1996). Measuring Wind Plant
Capacity Value. 10 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-441-20493. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/fy96/20493.pdf
7. Milligan, M. R. (1996). Alternative Wind Power
Modeling Methods Using Chronological and Load Duration
Curve Production Cost Models.
43 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-441-8171. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/old/8171.pdf 6. Milligan, M. R.; Miller, A. H.;
Chapman, F. (1995).
Estimating the Economic Value of Wind Forecasting to
Prepared for the American Association of Wind Energy
Conference, WINDPOWER, 27-30 March 1995, Washington, DC;
12 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-441-7803. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/old/7803.pdf
5. Milligan, M. R.; Miller, A. H. (1993). Value of Windpower: An
Investigation Using a Qualified Production Cost Model.
Prepared for the American Association of Wind Energy
Conference, WINDPOWER, 13-16 July 1993, San Francisco,
California; 10 pp.; NREL Report No.
TP-441-5730. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/legosti/old/5730.pdf
4. Milligan, M., Translating Binary Files
to C Header Files. (1992). PC Techniques. July/August.
Reprinted in C/C++Power Tools, Duntemann
and Weiskamp, eds. New
York: Bantam Books. 3. Milligan, M., Non-linear Systems of
Equation-Solving in Pascal. (1988). Access.
September/October. 2. Milligan, M., Review of Eureka: The
Solver. (1989). Access. July/August. 1. Milligan, M., Easy Model 100 Data
Transfers. (1987). PC Magazine. November. |
Contact: milligangridsolutions@gmail.com |